Mar 24, 2017

Interview Questions?

Before I begin my interview process, I want to make sure that I am asking the right questions. But who determines which questions are the right ones to ask? Well, that's what research is for! I have decided to research what questions I should ask my talented friend, Jessica. 

At first, I researched "What to ask in an interview," which generally is a very broad question, as it applies to every type of interview. After scrolling through millions of research on interview questions such as, "9 Good Questions to ask in an interview," I realized that this search I have done wasn't the best idea; all these articles talk about job interviews, which is not what I'm looking for! Maybe I should try searching something more specific? 

I began my research again but this time searched "what to ask in a magazine interview." This search helped me immensely! The first link that came up was "14 Revealing Interview Questions." This article allowed me to explore different questions that would help kick off my interview by allowing the readers to learn more about Jessica. The number one question I would like to include in my interview is "Who is your role model and why?" However, instead of using a question that came straight out of a website, I decided to make the question more original and coinciding with the story by asking, "Who is your soccer inspiration and why?" This focuses more on the topic of my magazine and helps to open up the topic in the interview. 

Another article I found while doing my research is, "30 Questions to ask in an informal interview." Within the 30 questions, I was able to find a couple that I could use. For instance, the question "What do you like most about your job," really stood out to me. To relate it to my topic, I have come up with the question, "What does soccer mean to you?" By using this question, I am allowing Jessica to open up to not only myself, but all the readers out there; which is the basis of any interview. After asking these personal questions, I would like to ask questions that are targeted on the main topic of the article, Gender equality. The research I conducted provided me with the question "What problems do you face on a day-to-day basis?" I decided to expand this question into "Have you heard about the gender equality issues in sports? If so what have you heard?" By expanding this question, I will begin to introduce the topic without getting too deep.

Without the help of that research, my brain would have exploded trying to come up with questions to ask! 

Moving away from my research, I began to base my other questions on my question "Have you heard about the gender equality issues in sports, If so what have you heard?" After brainstorming many different questions, I decided my favorite ones were: 

1. "In your opinion, why do you think it is so important to talk about these issues?"
2. "What can us women do in order to fight for our equality on the field?"
3. "Do you think this a man's game or a woman's game?"

With these powerful questions, there is no doubt my magazine article will come out amazing, I can't wait! Now I can finally interview Jessica. As promised, my interview will come soon, don't lose hope! See you then!

- AC 

Adams, Susan. "30 Questions To Ask In An Informational Interview." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 26 Feb. 2016. Web. 25 Mar. 2017. <>. 
Haden, Jeff. "14 Revealing Interview Questions." Inc., 04 Mar. 2013. Web. 25 Mar. 2017. <>. 
"Here Are Nine Good Questions to Ask at Your next Job Interview." Monster Career Advice. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2017. <>.

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